Monday, July 29, 2013

M & Ms - One Bread, One Body, 7/29/2013

Exodus 32:15-24, 30-34, Psalm 106:19-23, John 11:19-27, or Luke 10:38-42
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"Martha welcomed Him." -Luke 10:38

The Lord said to Moses: "You have found favor with Me and you are My intimate friend" (Ex 33:17). "The Lord used to speak to Moses face to face" (Ex 33:11). God even let Moses glimpse all His beauty and revealed to Moses His name, "Lord" (Ex 33:19). Moses was God's intimate friend.

"Jesus loved Martha" (Jn 11:5). When He was tired, He rested at Martha's house and "Martha welcomed Him" (Lk 10:38). Jesus even revealed to Martha His title, "the Resurrection and the Life" (Jn 11:25). Martha was Jesus' intimate friend.

Moses and Martha were blessed with a special intimate friendship with the Lord. Can we be as close to Him as they were? That's up to us. Jesus stands at the door of our heart and knocks (see Rv 3:20), saying "Open to Me...My beloved" (Sg 5:2). To be intimate friends means to reveal to the beloved a never-ending increase of delights. The bride and groom in Song of Songs offer delight to each other five times (Sg 1:2; 2:3; 4:10; 5:16; 7:7). Jesus offers to us "the delights at [God's] right hand forever" (Ps 16:11). We in turn offer to Him what He delights in: the love of all our heart, all our mind, all our being, and all our strength (Lk 10:27). Of course, Jesus' ultimate offer of intimacy is the Eucharist, in which we receive into our body the Body and Blood, soul and divinity of Jesus. Receive Him, and be His intimate friend (Jn 15:15).

Prayer: Father, I will find my delight in You, and you will give me the desire of my heart: intimacy with You (Ps 37:4).

Promise: "I am the Resurrection and the Life: whoever believes in Me, though he should die, will come to life; and whoever is alive and believes in Me will never die." -Jn 11:25-26

Praise: "Martha welcomed [Jesus] to her home" (Lk 10:38).

Sunday, July 28, 2013

July 28th 17th Sunday in ordinary time

Jesus, this week Your church celebrates a saint who tried
with all of her being to be the perfect hostess.

She got upset when her sister Mary just wanted to sit at
Your feet and listen to You.

Lord, helping others is very important, but we need to be
fed to truly be able to do that.

Give us the grace to listen to Your church, and learn how
to be just stewards of our time and talent.

Lord, help us to see others with Your eyes, and always
with the understanding that we must be strong to help
others get strong.

Jesus, help us to come to You everyday in every way.

Amen and Amen.

Thanks to You, Lord, for loving us totally.

Friday, July 26, 2013

ROBBED BLIND? - One Bread, One Body, 7/26/2013

Friday, July 26, 2013, Sts. Joachim & Ann

Exodus 20:1-17, Psalm 19:8-11, Matthew 13:18-23
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"The evil one approaches him to steal away what was sown in his mind." -Matthew 13:19

How much of God's Word have you heard over the years at home, in church and school, through reading and teaching? How much of God's Word do you know and live? The difference in the answer to these two questions shows us how much of the Word the evil one has robbed from us. Many of us have been exposed to God's Word for years but have little to show for it. The devil has literally robbed us blind. We don't even report it to the authorities or call for help. We merely resign ourselves to Satan daily robbing us of the Word of life.
God's Word tells us: "Submit to God; resist the devil and he will take flight" (Jas 4:7). We can rob the robber and retrieve all that the devil has stolen (see Lk 11:22). We do this by faith in Jesus Christ, expressed in prayer and obedience. The Holy Spirit will enable us to remember passages from God's Word we haven't recalled for years. We will apply the Word so as to be holy in every aspect of our lives (1 Pt 1:15).
Jesus knows how to prevent the devil's thievery. Report any theft to Jesus, the Authority. We need Jesus to deliver us from the evil one (Mt 6:13). Jesus will not only sow the seed, but guard it.

Prayer: Jesus, I've been robbed several thousand times. Please recover the stolen goods.

Promise: "Honor your father and your mother, that you may have a long life in the land which the Lord, your God, is giving you." -Ex 20:12

Praise: The names of Saints Joachim & Ann mean "the Lord raises up" and "grace." Mary, Joachim, and Ann, pray for us to adore and love Jesus as you did.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

THANK YOU - One Bread, One Body, 7/25/2013

Thursday, July 25, 2013, St. James

2 Corinthians 4:7-15, Psalm 126:1-6, Matthew 20:20-28
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"Death is at work in us, but life in you." -2 Corinthians 4:12

James was one of the Twelve and he boldly spread the Gospel (Mk 3:16-17). His witness as a foundational leader of the Church (see Eph 2:20; Rv 21:14) echoes throughout eternity. He prayed constantly after Jesus' Ascension (Acts 1:14). "During that period, King Herod started to harass some of the members of the Church.  He beheaded James the brother of John" (Acts 12:1-2). St. James' sacrificial life led to a sacrificial death, yet warranted only one sentence in Scripture (Acts 12:2). James didn't get much credit in Scripture for being the first martyr, and he might not get much from us either. Have you thanked a martyr lately?

Many readers of One Bread, One Body have toiled in solitude, dutifully performing mundane tasks to build up God's Kingdom.   You probably don't get much credit or thanks, either. Nevertheless, "whatever you do, work at it with your whole being. Do it for the Lord rather than for men, since you know full well you will receive an inheritance from Him as your reward. Be slaves of Christ the Lord" (Col 3:23-24).

Are you jealous of those with less responsibility, yet who receive more thanks from others? "It cannot be like that with you. Anyone among you who aspires to greatness must serve the rest, and whoever wants to rank first among you must serve the needs of all" (Mt 20:26-27). For when we truly love and serve Jesus, what matters to us is not how much thanks we receive, but how much thanks He receives.

Prayer: Jesus, here is my body, to be given up for You.

Promise: "Those that sow in tears shall reap rejoicing." __Ps 126:5

Praise: Although St. James fled from the crucifixion, he boldly returned to Jerusalem to risk being beheaded.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

PRAYER IS EVEN BETTER - One Bread, One Body, 7/21/2013

Genesis 18:1-10, Colossians 1:24-28, Psalm 15:2-5, Luke 10:38-42
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"Mary has chosen the better portion and she shall not be deprived of it." -Luke 10:42

Hospitality was a responsibility and privilege highly valued by the Jewish people. In offering hospitality, we may be entertaining angels (Heb 13:2) or even God Himself (Gn 18:17ff). Abraham and Sarah, for example, offered hospitality to God and two angels. As a result, God promised them they would miraculously have a son, although both were almost a hundred years old (see Gn 18:10). Hospitality is the breeding ground of promise, blessing, and miracles.

As awesome as hospitality is, Jesus claimed that prayer is even better (Lk 10:42). This was a surprising revelation. Jesus even maintained the necessity of praying always (Lk 18:1; cf 1 Thes 5:17). He did this Himself, praying early in the morning and late at night (Mk 1:35; Lk 22:39ff). Jesus prayed in such a new way that people who had prayed for years asked Him to teach them to pray (Lk 11:1).

After Jesus ascended into heaven, His disciples caught onto Jesus' message on prayer and devoted themselves to constant prayer for nine days (Acts 1:14). The Church was born after this nine-day gestation period of prayer. From that point on, the Spirit has empowered the followers of Jesus to devote themselves to prayer (see Acts 2:42).

Prayer: Jesus, teach me to pray (Lk 11:1). Holy Spirit, help me overcome my weakness in prayer (Rm 8:26).

Promise: "Even now I find my joy in the suffering I endure for you. In my own flesh I fill up what is lacking in the sufferings of Christ for the sake of His body, the church." -Col 1:24

Praise: Praise Jesus, Who opened wide the doors to His Father's house! "Praise the name of the Lord, for His name alone is exalted; His majesty is above earth and heaven" (Ps 148:13).

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

THE BURNING LOVE OF GOD - One Bread, One Body, 7/17/2013

Exodus 3:1-6, 9-12, Psalm 103:1-4, 6-7, Matthew 11:25-27

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"The bush, though on fire, was not consumed." -Exodus 3:2

Consider a burning candle. The flame on the candle eventually burns out when the wax is all consumed. In Jesus, however, we are not like candles which burn out, but rather like the burning bush, which is neither burned out nor consumed (Ex 3:2).

Some people are afraid to receive God's love. They fear that the fire of God's love will consume them (Heb 12:29), and they will never be the same. Immersed in God's love, they know they'll have to repent and be dedicated to holiness (Ex 3:5). Yet just as Moses was drawn to the burning bush by the awesomeness of the sight, God's love attracts people despite their fears.

God's burning love is a Trinity-love, the fire of love which perpetually arcs between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God pours this burning Trinity-love, consuming but not destructive, into our hearts through the Holy Spirit (Rm 5:5). Nothing can separate us from this love (Rm 8:38-39).

Be like Moses. Walk toward God, not away from Him. Remove not only your sandals, but any love for the things of the world (1 Jn 2:15). Don't be afraid of the overpowering love of God. Many have been hurt by failed human love, but the love of God never fails (1 Cor 13:8). Abandon yourself to God's love. Your entire life has been a search for His love. Be true to yourself and true to God. Live in His love (Jn 15:9).

Prayer: Triune God, change me from being a consumer into being the consumed. I yield totally to Your burning love.

Promise: "The Lord secures justice and the rights of all the oppressed." -Ps 103:6

Praise: After years away from the sacraments, Dora allowed God entrance into her heart and became a daily communicant.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

USELESS CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE? - One Bread, One Body, 7/16/2013

Exodus 2:1-15, Psalm 69:3, 14, 30-31, 33-34, Matthew 11:20-24
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"Now a certain man of the house of Levi married a Levite woman, who conceived and bore a son. Seeing that he was a goodly child, she hid him for three months." -Exodus 2:1-2

Moses' mother disobeyed the law. She refused to throw her baby boy into the river to be drowned, as prescribed by Pharaoh's decree (Ex 1:22). This act of civil disobedience seemed totally useless. She hid the baby for three months and then put him in a basket to float on the water rather than directly throw him into the water (Ex 2:2-3). The baby Moses was miraculously saved. Eighty years later, the Lord used Moses to set the entire Israelite nation free from slavery. The Lord used the seemingly useless civil disobedience of Moses' mother, which was actually divine obedience, in an amazing way.

The Lord is calling you to do something that seems useless. If you do the Lord's will, you will seem to be only delaying the inevitable. Nevertheless, you are being called to walk by faith, not by sight (2 Cor 5:7). You will feel that you have "toiled in vain, and for nothing, uselessly, spent" your strength (Is 49:4). However, the Lord is calling you to obey Him not because you understand His command, but because you have accepted Jesus as Lord and have become His disciple.

In the end, doing seemingly useless things in God's will is usually the most useful of all. Even when they aren't, we should still do them because of love for God. The Lord is not primarily calling us to be successful but to be faithful. We should ask others to help us discern God's will and then do it.

Prayer: Father, may I not lean on my own understanding (Prv 3:5).

Promise: "See, you lowly ones, and be glad; you who seek God, may your hearts be merry! For the Lord hears the poor." -Ps 69:33-34

Praise: According to tradition, the Carmelite orders are all based on a crusader's vision of Elijah on Mount Carmel. Our Lady of Mount Carmel, pray for us.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Fwd: "PRESERVE LIFE" (Mk 3:4) - One Bread, One Body, 7/15/2013

Monday, July 15, 2013, St. Bonaventure

Exodus 1:8-14, 22, Psalm 124:1-8, Matthew 10:34-11:1
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"Come, let us deal shrewdly with them to stop their increase." -Exodus 1:10

The Lord's first words to the newly created human race were: "Be fertile and multiply; fill the earth" (Gn 1:28). In reaction, Satan tries to stop our increase by oppressing and enslaving us (see Ex 1:11-14) and by passing anti-life legislation (see Ex 1:22). We must refuse to take part in the "politically correct," contraceptive, and abortifacient prejudice of our society. We must also refuse to buy into the ungodly economic system, which is an essential aspect of our anti-life culture (see Rv 13:16-17).
Like Moses, we must challenge the system. We must insist on the priority of communal worship over secular work (see Ex 5:1). We must refuse to let ourselves be manipulated by Pharaoh, Egypt, "the love of money" (1 Tm 6:10), and our fleshly desire for possessions (see Gal 5:17).
We won't obey God's first command to us and fill the earth with life until we stop contraception and abortion. We won't stop the culture of death until we stop compromising economically with the ways of the world. Therefore, work for imperishable food (Jn 6:27), get out of debt (see Rm 13:8), simplify your life, and build Christian community. Work to "preserve life" (Mk 3:4).

Prayer: Father, show me the relationship between economics and the anti-life attitudes of our society.

Promise: "He who seeks only himself brings himself to ruin, whereas he who brings himself to nought for Me discovers who he is." -Mt 10:39

Praise: St. Bonaventure wrote the inspiring biography of St. Francis of Assisi. Praise You, Lord Jesus, for the communion of saints!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Genesis 19:15-29, Psalm 26:2-3, 9-12, Matthew 8:23-27
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"The boat began to be swamped by the waves. Jesus was sleeping soundly." -Matthew 8:24-25

Over the centuries, Church fathers and Scripture scholars have seen the gospel boat as a representation of the Church. On occasion, the boat is rocked by violent storms, which threaten imminent destruction. Through it all, Jesus is constantly present to the Church, even when He seems to be sleeping (Mt 8:25).

As this is being written, the Catholic Church in the United States is being "swamped" (Mt 8:24) by the storm of scandal. Some pundits even speculate that "we are lost" as a Church (Mt 8:25). To this, Jesus would reply: "How little faith you have!" (Mt 8:26) As horrible as scandal is, as tragic as the devastation is to a victim, as burdensome as the taint of scandal is to innocent clergy and religious, Jesus maintains that the issue is essentially the same as it was that night in the boat. The disciples naturally saw the problem as the imminent danger of the storm. However, Jesus, upon waking, instantly put His finger on the crisis of faith. How many of us think of faith when we first wake up? Jesus does!

Faith in Jesus is the answer. "All depends on faith" (Rm 4:16, NAB). Jesus is an innocent Victim. In the blood of His cross, He has the answer for victims (Col 1:20). By His wounds, victims are healed (1 Pt 2:24). Jesus died the death of a condemned, scandalized criminal and bore our guilt. He understands and even removes guilt (Mi 7:18) for the repentant guilty. For the innocent clergy who are regarded with suspicion, Jesus shows the way by maintaining His dignity even when wrongly portrayed as a "sinner" (Jn 9:24). Jesus reconciles all things in Himself (Col 1:20). Jesus commands us: Have "faith in Me" (Jn 14:1).

Prayer: Lord, "increase our faith" (Lk 17:5).

Promise: "He stood up and took the winds and the sea to task. Complete calm ensued." -Mt 8:26

Praise: Fr. Rich remains a faithful priest and continues to minister to God's people long after his retirement.