Friday, January 31, 2014


St. John Bosco

2 Samuel 11:1-10, 13-17, Psalm 51:3-7, 10-11, Mark 4:26-34
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"At the turn of the year, when kings go out on campaign, David sent out Joab along with his officers and the army of Israel...David, however, remained in Jerusalem." -2 Samuel 11:1

For many years, David had been a strong, successful warrior. He fought many battles, even after becoming king. Eventually, the powerful David reached middle-age. The time came for kings to fight (2 Sm 11:1), but now David stayed behind in Jerusalem.

It's possible the manly warrior David might have been wondering if he had "lost it." Perhaps David felt a need to prove his manliness and usefulness. David suddenly had lots of free time on his hands during the fighting season. Instead of using his "free" time to pray for his army, help his subjects, grow in spiritual strength, or worship God, David let his idle mind and eyes wander. The weakened warrior was also too spiritually weak to fight off the sexual temptation of seeing the beautiful Bathsheba. This resulted in the grave sins of adultery and murder (2 Sm 11:4, 17).

David's fears came true. He was losing strength, but not because of his middle-age. He lost strength to fight spiritual battles because he wanted to be something other than what he was. Thus, he was unable to die to himself, pick up his cross (Lk 9:23), and let God's power be made perfect in his weakness (2 Cor 12:9).

Are you growing in maturity as you grow in age? (see 1 Cor 3:1ff) Do you place your hope in advertisements and products which promise a return to the vigor of youth? God alone restores your youth (Ps 103:5; Is 40:29-31). "Be on guard" (Lk 21:34), trust in God alone (Ps 62:9), and pray for final perseverance.

Prayer: Jesus, I lose myself in You. Make me a new creation.

Promise: "He kept explaining things privately to His disciples." -Mk 4:34

Praise: St. John Bosco trusted that, with God's help, he could reach even the most seemingly hopeless. Many of the poor boys whom John reached became priests.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

"NO GREATER LOVE" (Jn 15:13)

2 Samuel 7:18-19, 24-29, Psalm 132:1-5, 11-14, Mark 4:21-25
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"Who am I, Lord God, and who are the members of my house, that You have brought me to this point?" -2 Samuel 7:18

David was awed by the graces the Lord had given to him and his family. Yet, "the least born into the kingdom of God is greater" than David (Mt 11:11). David was a king, but he was not an adopted child of God, as is each Christian. It was prophesied that the Messiah would come from David's line. However, David could not even dream that the Messiah would be God, Who would live among us, change our human nature by dying on the cross, rise from the dead, and live within us.
The Lord promised that David's house would last forever (see 2 Sm 7:16, 29), but David had no idea that God would raise from the dead those who believe in Jesus, the son of David (see Jn 11:25-26). Of course, David never had any opportunity to receive the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Jesus, God Himself. It would have been impossible for David even to conceive of such a thing.
David was blessed, but we as Christians are much more than blessed (Mt 13:16-17). No one has ever been loved more than we are (see Jn 15:13). Thank, live, and love accordingly.

Prayer: Father, I will live in Love and live in You (1 Jn 4:16).

Promise: "Listen carefully to what you hear. In the measure you give you shall receive." -Mk 4:24

Praise: Ralph awoke with a terrible headache and couldn't see out of one eye. After attending Sunday Mass, his wife urged him to approach his priest for prayer. His priest prayed for him right on the street outside the church. A moment later, Jesus restored his sight and the headache vanished.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


2 Samuel 7:4-17, Psalm 89:4-5, 27-30, Mark 4:1-20
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"Nathan reported all these words and this entire vision to David." -2 Samuel 7:17

David, like all of us, was very selfish. We're that way from the moment of conception. We are naturally selfish. One day, a great miracle occurred in David's life: he had an unselfish thought. He thought of building a house for the Lord (2 Sm 7:2). Although David was not chosen by the Lord to do this, the Lord took this unusual moment of unselfishness to reveal to David an astounding prophecy. Through the prophet Nathan, the Lord told David that his house, kingdom, and throne would stand firm forever (2 Sm 7:16).
Sometimes, by the grace of God and in our new life through Baptism, we too have unselfish thoughts. Like David, we will also receive amazing revelations from God when we cross over to the other side of selfishness. In that land of unselfishness - so strange to us - we are no longer under the thick cloud of selfishness (see Is 60:2). On the other side of selfishness, the Lord shines and over us appears His glory (Is 60:2).
Come to Jesus; repent; deny yourself; cross over to the other side.

Prayer: Father, the life I live now is not my own. It is a life of faith in Jesus (Gal 2:20).

Promise: "Those sown on good soil are the ones who listen to the word, take it to heart, and yield at thirty- and sixty- and a hundredfold." -Mk 4:20

Praise: Rico gave his life to Jesus and quit smoking after ten failed attempts.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


St. Thomas Aquinas

2 Samuel 6:12-15, 17-19, Psalm 24:7-10, Mark 3:31-35
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"He sacrificed an ox and a fatling. Then David, girt with a linen apron, came dancing before the Lord with abandon." -2 Samuel 6:13-14

Most of us don't dance that much, especially at church. If we did dance at church, we probably wouldn't do it at the time for the collection. However, David danced after sacrificing an ox and a fatling every six steps of the ark's progress into Jerusalem (2 Sm 6:13). The total of this offering could add up to hundreds of oxen and fatlings, which could cost very many thousands of dollars in today's economy. After David danced, he "offered holocausts and peace offerings" (2 Sm 6:17). "He then distributed among all the people, to each man and each woman in the entire multitude of Israel, a loaf of bread, a cut of roast meat, and a raisin cake" (2 Sm 6:19). David's further offerings and his generous provision of supper for a multitude cost him at least several thousand more dollars.
Few of us have David's monetary resources. We can't give the Lord thousands and hundreds of thousands of dollars. However, we can give with David's attitude. We can dance as we empty our pockets, close our savings accounts, sell what we have (Mk 10:21), and give sacrificially to the Church. We must give "not sadly, not grudgingly, for God loves a cheerful giver" (2 Cor 9:7).
Give and dance; dance and give. Rejoice that God has given you something to give, and that He will mercifully accept your gift.

Prayer: Father, send the Spirit to give me dancing lessons. May I dance as David danced.

Promise: "Whoever does the will of God is brother and sister and mother to Me." -Mk 3:35

Praise: St. Thomas' family opposed his vocation and held him captive for two years. Thomas used this time to memorize much of the Bible.

Monday, January 27, 2014


St. Angela Merici

2 Samuel 5:1-7, 10, Psalm 89:20-22, 25-26, Mark 3:22-30
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"I give you My word, every sin will be forgiven mankind and all the blasphemies men utter, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven." -Mark 3:28-29

The Holy Spirit is pictured as a dove, a symbol of Israel (see Ps 74:19), re-creation (see Gn 8:11ff), love (e.g. Sg 5:2), and peace. The Holy Spirit knows the depths of God (1 Cor 2:11) and the depths of our hearts, from which He cries out "Abba" ("Father") (Gal 4:6). The Spirit dwells within our bodies as His temple (1 Cor 6:19) and is the Spirit of truth (e.g. Jn 14:17), that is, of true, faithful love. We can have a true, deep, tender, intimate relationship with the indwelling Holy Spirit.

On the other hand, we can refuse intimacy with the Spirit and abuse Him by blaspheming (Mk 3:29), grieving (Eph 4:30; Is 63:10), quenching (1 Thes 5:19), insulting (Heb 10:29), and "always opposing" Him (Acts 7:51). We can lie to the Spirit (Acts 5:3) and even evict Him from the temple of our bodies by "trashing" His temple through committing mortal sin.

In our relationship with the Holy Spirit, we tend to go to extremes - a docile tenderness and intimacy or a brutal, violent, blasphemous rejection. Let us stop our abuse of the Holy Spirit. Let us love the Spirit, Who is Love (see 1 Jn 4:16).

Prayer: Holy Spirit, You are all the Love I will ever need. Teach me to love You.

Promise: "David grew steadily more powerful, for the Lord of hosts was with him." -2 Sm 5:10

Praise: St. Angela's parents and older sister all died when she was a young teenager. Angela then dedicated her life to discipling and caring for troubled girls.

Sunday, January 26, 2014


Isaiah 8:23-9:3, 1 Corinthians 1:10-13, 17, Psalm 27:1, 4, 13-14, Matthew 4:12-23
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"A people living in darkness has seen a great light." -Matthew 4:16

Jesus, in His merciful love, can't bear the thought of a world in darkness. He declares: "I have come to the world as its Light, to keep anyone who believes in Me from remaining in the dark" (Jn 12:46). Yet some prefer the darkness and hate the light (Jn 3:19-21). There is no bushel basket (Mt 5:15) or wall thick enough to block out the Light of the World. So the people who hated the Light tried to extinguish the Light. For three days, they were successful, and the Light was buried in a tomb. However, Jesus is risen from the dead! "The light shines on in darkness, a darkness that did not overcome it" (Jn 1:5). Now Jesus the Light shines through us, His disciples (see Mt 5:14).

The people in darkness have seen a great light (Mt 4:16; Is 9:1). Many are attracted to the light, and stream toward it (see Is 2:2). Others prefer the deeds and lifestyle of darkness and will continue to attempt to extinguish the light, as if that were possible. Since we are now Jesus' lamps in the world, we must expect that His opponents will attempt to extinguish us in their futile attempts to darken the world. Eventually the only option for those who love darkness is to flee the light and find a place of permanent darkness. Some will detest the light so much they will beg the mountains and hills to cover them (see Hos 10:8; Lk 23:30; Rv 6:16). Repent of the futility of preferring darkness and opposing the light. Come to the Light, and join the victorious side (Jn 1:5).

Prayer: Father, I repent of anything that I am hiding from You. Shine Your light on any darkness in my life.

Promise: "Come after Me and I will make you fishers of men." -Mt 4:19

Praise: Praise Jesus, the Resurrection and the Life! (Jn 11:25) "He is the blessed and only Ruler, the King of kings and Lord of lords Who alone has immortality" (1 Tm 6:15-16)

Saturday, January 25, 2014


Conversion of St. Paul

Acts 22:3-16 or, Acts 9:1-22, Psalm 117:1-2, Mark 16:15-18
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"Go into the whole world and proclaim the good news to all creation. The man who believes in it and accepts baptism will be saved; the man who refuses to believe it will be condemned." -Mark 16:15-16

Today the Church celebrates the feast of the conversion of St. Paul. Are you thrilled or at least happy to celebrate Paul's conversion or anyone's conversion? How much do you want all "to be saved and come to know the truth"? (1 Tm 2:4) Are you willing to become "the slave of all so as to win over as many as possible"? (1 Cor 9:19) Will you make yourself "all things to all men in order to save at least some of them"? (1 Cor 9:22)
Most people are more interested in who wins the Super Bowl than in who is converting to Christ. Most people desire to watch the news on TV more than hear the good news of the Bible. How many Catholics prefer to eat breakfast rather than to receive Holy Communion?
If you suffer tragedy after tragedy like Job did, do you still consider the sufferings of the present as nothing (see Rm 8:18) compared to the joy of seeing one sinner repent? (see Lk 15:7, 10) Or does one little problem outweigh in importance all the conversions in the world, even your own conversion? Paul's conversion, or anyone's conversion, is so important that we should rejoice in it forever - even in the midst of all kinds of sufferings.
What makes your day? Is it conversion or perversion?

Prayer: Father, convert me. Use me to convert many others.

Promise: "Immediately something like scales fell from his eyes and he regained his sight. He got up and was baptized." -Acts 9:18

Praise: St. Paul sent many Christians to prison and death (Acts 26:10). Jesus changed him from persecutor to evangelist. Praise You, Jesus! "He who was formerly persecuting us is now preaching the faith he tried to destroy" (Gal 1:23).

Friday, January 24, 2014


St. Francis de Sales

1 Samuel 24:3-21, Psalm 57:2-4, 6, 11, Mark 3:13-19
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"The Lord forbid that I should do such a thing to my master, the Lord's anointed." -1 Samuel 24:7

The murderous David did not kill his arch-enemy, Saul, because he recognized Saul as the Lord's anointed (1 Sm 24:7, 11). David appreciated being anointed, for he also had been anointed as king by Samuel (1 Sm 16:13; Ps 89:21). Being the Lord's anointed held extreme significance (see Ps 133:2).
The Messiah is called in Greek "Christos," which means "the Anointed One." Jesus began His public ministry by quoting Isaiah 61:1: "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me; therefore He has anointed Me" (Lk 4:18). Peter began to describe Jesus' ministry with these words: "God anointed Him with the Holy Spirit and power" (Acts 10:38). Jesus' title was "Christ," that is, "the Anointed One." Jesus' followers are called "Christians," that is, "the anointed ones."
We Christians have been anointed in Baptism and Confirmation. These anointings are even more important than the anointings given to Saul and David. We have been anointed as priests, prophets, and kings. Like Jesus, we have been anointed "with the Holy Spirit and power" (Acts 10:38). In Jesus, we can do even greater works than He did (Jn 14:12). Christians, "remain in Him as that anointing taught you" (1 Jn 2:27).

Prayer: Father, make me so like Christ and so deep in His Word that I can rightly be called "Christian" (Acts 11:26).

Promise: "They were likewise to have authority to expel demons." -Mk 3:15

Praise: St. Francis wrote apologetic books to defend against heresies and spiritual books to raise the faith of lay people. God so anointed his writing that he has been honored as the patron saint of journalists.

Thursday, January 23, 2014


1 Samuel 18:6-9; 19:1-7, Psalm 56:2-3, 9-13, Mark 3:7-12
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"Saul was jealous of David." -1 Samuel 18:9

Saul was jealous of David and tried to kill him on several occasions. The brothers of Joseph sold him into slavery because they were jealous of him (Acts 7:9, RNAB). The Jewish leaders in Pisidian Antioch "became very jealous" of St. Paul's powerful preaching and persecuted him (Acts 13:45). The Pharisees handed Jesus over out of jealousy to be crucified (Mt 27:18). The high priests and Sadducees arrested and punished the apostles, for they were "filled with jealousy" (Acts 5:17).

Jealousy in support of a religious leader or ministry is not of God. When some of Moses' loyal followers got upset that others were prophesying in addition to Moses, Moses corrected them, saying, "Are you jealous for my sake? Would that all the people of the Lord were prophets!" (Nm 11:29) Are you attracted to certain religious leaders or ministries? Beware of any tendency toward jealousy. Pray that your love for that leader or that ministry be full of true charity, for "charity is not jealous" (Catechism, 1825; see 1 Cor 13:4).

Christians who exhibit any jealousy are infants, according to Scripture (1 Cor 3:1-3). Jealousy proceeds from the desires of the flesh (Gal 5:20) and is not compatible with Christian living. Jealousy is a symptom of something very wrong within us. "Where there [is] jealousy...there is also inconstancy and all kinds of vile behavior" (Jas 3:16). "Jealousy rots the bones" (Prv 14:30).

Prayer: Father, pour out your love in my heart (Rm 5:5). "May charity be the root and foundation of" my life (Eph 3:17).

Promise: "My wanderings You have counted; my tears are stored in Your flask; are they not recorded in Your book?" -Ps 56:9

Praise: Each year thousands of teenagers give up their time and energy to walk in the March for Life.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


St. Vincent of Saragossa

1 Samuel 17:32-33, 37, 40-51, Psalm 144:1-2, 9-10, Mark 3:1-6
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"Blessed be the Lord, my Rock, Who trains my hands for battle, my fingers for war." -Psalm 144:1

Today is the forty-first anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision legalizing abortion in the Roe vs. Wade case, a day when war was declared on those who defend life. The Catholic Church upholds the right to life, from conception until natural death. We are the Church Militant, and God has given each of us an important role to play on the battlefield. Governments, courts, industries, and lobbyists are plotting death (see Mk 3:6); we who defend life are plotting the victory of the armies of the Lord.
The abortion industry is Goliath; we who defend life are David. To the abortion industry and its many supporters, we seem to have withered hands (Mk 3:1). We can't even count on fellow Catholics to carry the pro-life vote. Surely those who oppose life regard us as Goliath did David, holding us "in contempt" (1 Sm 17:42).
God is working to train our withered hands for battle, our shriveled fingers for war (Ps 144:1). Hundreds of thousands of hands today are in Washington, D.C. at the March for Life. Many of these hands and fingers will ply the Rosary beads today wielding the weapons of prayer and fasting which will bring down Goliath. With David, say to Goliath: "You come against me with massive funding, Supreme Court authorization, the support of the secular media, and legal backing. But I come against you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies that you have insulted" (see 1 Sm 17:45). Stretch out your withered hands to Jesus; He will strengthen them for this war (Ps 144:1).

Prayer: "Arise, O Lord, that Your enemies may be scattered, and those who hate You may flee before You" (Nm 10:35).

Promise: "The battle is the Lord's, and He shall deliver you into our hands." -1 Sm 17:47

Praise: St. Vincent endured the horrible tortures of his martyrdom by "praying and singing hymns to God" (Acts 16:25).


St. Agnes

1 Samuel 16:1-13, Psalm 89:20-22, 27-28, Mark 2:23-28
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"Samuel, with the horn of oil in hand, anointed him in the midst of his brothers; and from that day on, the Spirit of the Lord rushed upon David." -1 Samuel 16:13

The Lord told Samuel to end his pity-party and go raise up a new leader for God's people (1 Sm 16:1). We also need to raise up new Christian leaders.
Samuel replied to the Lord: "How can I go? Saul will hear of it and kill me" (1 Sm 16:2). When we focus on the Holy Spirit and leadership, we will be a threat to the devil, and we too will be in danger.
The Lord promised Samuel: "I Myself will tell you what to do" (1 Sm 16:3). When we obey the Lord, we will quickly crush Satan under our feet (Rm 16:19-20).
The Lord told Samuel to anoint not those who appeared to be leaders but the one chosen by the Lord (1 Sm 16:7). Likewise, the Lord chooses as leaders today "the world's lowborn and despised, those who count for nothing, to reduce to nothing those who were something" (1 Cor 1:28).
Don't waste your time worrying and complaining. Spend your time praying for the Holy Spirit to be stirred into flame (2 Tm 1:6) in the lives of simple, grassroots leaders. No matter what Satan does to discourage or intimidate you, keep obeying the Lord and inviting people to receive the fullness of the Spirit in their lives. By continually praying for as many leaders as possible to receive the Spirit, you will join the Spirit in renewing the face of the earth (Ps 104:30). Come, Holy Spirit!

Prayer: Father, give us several new Pentecosts and new leaders in Christ.

Promise: "The Son of Man is Lord even of the sabbath." -Mk 2:28

Praise: St. Agnes is said to have been more joyful at her martyrdom than the most exultant brides have been at their weddings.

Monday, January 20, 2014


Pope St. Fabian, St. Sebastian

1 Samuel 15:16-23, Psalm 50:8-9, 16-17, 21, 23, Mark 2:18-22
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"To the upright man I will show how God can save." -Psalm 50:23, JB

Various people came to Jesus with the objection that His disciples did not fast, while the Pharisees and John the Baptizer did fast (Mk 2:18). John and the Pharisees were upright men, and Jesus kept the promise of Psalm 50:23 by showing them the salvation of God. Throughout the Gospel, Jesus spends time with the upright, teaching them and showing them God's heart and way of salvation (e.g Lk 7:36ff; 11:37ff; 14:1ff).

On Calvary, Jesus especially showed God's salvation to the upright in His passion, crucifixion, suffering, death, and resurrection. Did the upright members of the Sanhedrin and the upright Pharisees accept God's salvation? Some upright people who were shown the salvation of God accepted it (Acts 26:5ff; Jn 3:1). Others were scandalized by God's offer of salvation of sinners and rejected it (see Jn 12:42).

Are you upright? Praise Jesus if you are! In an increasingly immoral culture, upright men and women are much needed. The true upright person will make an honest assessment of God's generous offer of salvation and their own weakness in comparison to the uprightness of God. The question then becomes, can a person remain upright after having been shown the salvation of God and rejecting it? "Let anyone who thinks he is standing upright watch out lest he fall!" (1 Cor 10:12) Our hope is not in our own righteousness but the righteousness and the mercy of Jesus.

Prayer: Father, may I never prefer the praises of people to Your glory (Jn 12:43).

Promise: "Obedience is better than sacrifice." -1 Sm 15:22

Praise: St. Sebastian was healed and restored from one attempted execution to confront the emperor again, giving a double witness to his faith in Jesus.

Sunday, January 19, 2014


2nd Sunday Ordinary Time

Isaiah 49:3, 5-6, 1 Corinthians 1:1-3, Psalm 40:2, 4, 7-10, John 1:29-34
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"Look! There is the Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the world." -John 1:29

The Holy Spirit inspired St. John to pack his Gospel with titles of Jesus. Praying and praising Jesus by speaking His titles and meditating upon them is insurance against taking Jesus for granted. It's a great way to deepen our relationship with Him.

Among other titles, John refers to Jesus as:
   * the Word of God (Jn 1:1) and Word-Made-Man (Jn 1:14),
   * "Lamb of God" (Jn 1:29),
   * God's "Chosen One" (Jn 1:34),
   * Rabbi, (and also Teacher) (Jn 1:38),
   * "the Messiah" (Jn 1:41),
   * Son of God and King of Israel (Jn 1:18, 49),
   * "the Son of Man" (Jn 1:51),
   * "the Bread of Life" (Jn 6:35, 48),
   * "Light of the World" (Jn 8:12),
   * "I AM" (Jn 8:28; see also Ex 3:14),
   * "Lord" (Jn 9:38),
   * "Good Shepherd" (Jn 10:11, 14),
   * "the Resurrection and the Life" (Jn 11:25),
   * "the Way, and the Truth, and the Life" (Jn 14:6),
   * "the Vine" (Jn 15:5),
   * "the King of the Jews" (Jn 19:19), and
   * "my Lord and my God!" (Jn 20:28)

There are many other Scriptural titles of Jesus. These titles combat deception and encourage truth. Praise Jesus by His titles.

Prayer: Jesus, Lamb of God, I worship You with my whole heart.

Promise: "I will make you a light to the nations, that My salvation may reach to the ends of the earth." -Is 49:6

Praise: Praise Jesus, "the First and the Last and the One Who lives" (Rv 1:17-18).

Saturday, January 18, 2014


1 Samuel 9:1-4, 17-19; 10:1, Psalm 21:2-7, Mark 2:13-17
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"I have come to call sinners." -Mark 2:17

Saul was outsmarted by some lost asses (1 Sm 9:4). Nevertheless, the Lord chose him to become king and sent Samuel to anoint him (1 Sm 10:1).

Levi (Matthew) was a tax-collector, one of the most sinful occupations in his society (Mk 2:14). Nevertheless, Jesus called Matthew to follow Him (Mk 2:14).

The Lord chooses the most unlikely people to be great in His kingdom. "God chose those whom the world considers absurd to shame the wise; He singled out the weak of this world to shame the strong. He chose the world's lowborn and despised, those who count for nothing, to reduce to nothing those who were something; so that mankind can do no boasting before God" (1 Cor 1:27-29).

The Lord has chosen you to be great because He has called you to be His child. You must live not a minimalistic, superficial, mediocre life, but rather an abundant, holy, and eternal life. You are so precious that you were purchased at the price of the incarnate God's blood (1 Cor 6:20). You are so important that you can't become more important. You can only become more aware of your greatness in Him.

As unworthy as you are, you are chosen to be great. Become what the Lord has chosen you to be.

Prayer: Father, may I aspire to greatness and serve the needs of all (Mt 20:26-27).

Promise: "People who are healthy do not need a doctor; sick people do." -Mk 2:17

Praise: Charlie went to Confession again after many years. Jesus lifted his burden of sin.

Friday, January 17, 2014


St. Anthony

1 Samuel 8:4-7, 10-22, Psalm 89:16-19, Mark 2:1-12
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"Grant the people's every request. It is not you they reject, they are rejecting Me as their King." -1 Samuel 8:7

The Lord in His love and mercy often does not give us what we ask for in prayer, when giving us what we want would harm us. "You ask and you do not receive because you ask wrongly, with a view to squandering what you receive on your pleasures" (Jas 4:3). However, the Lord sometimes gives us what we want, even if it will be harmful for us. The Israelites wanted to have a king (1 Sm 8:5). Samuel knew how wrong this was (1 Sm 8:6); nonetheless, God told him to "grant the people's every request" (1 Sm 8:7), even if that meant the people would become enslaved and oppressed (1 Sm 8:11-19).
Are you in danger of God answering one of your prayers? Are you about to get what you want but not what you need? Are you praying yourself into a mess - like a breakdown, divorce, or a form of slavery? You'd better change your prayer now before it's too late.
However, to change your prayer, you must change your heart. To change your heart, you must change your treasures (Lk 12:34). To change your treasures, you must turn to Jesus and repent (see Phil 3:7ff). Then you'll pray for what He wants and not what you want. What Jesus wants is always the best. What we want can be terrible. Pray with Jesus: "Not my will, but Yours be done" (see Mt 26:39).

Prayer: Father, teach me to pray (Lk 11:1) and especially to love.

Promise: "The Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins." -Mk 2:10

Praise: St. Anthony went out into the desert simply to hear God and draw closer to Him. So many people were attracted to his lifestyle of holiness that Anthony was eventually called "The Father of Monks."

Thursday, January 16, 2014


1 Samuel 4:1-11, Psalm 44:10-11, 14-15, 24-25, Mark 1:40-45
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"It was a disastrous defeat, in which Israel lost thirty thousand foot soldiers. The ark of God was captured." -1 Samuel 4:10-11

How many people have prayed to the Lord when things went bad, and then things got worse? The Israelites suffered four thousand casualties when they were defeated by the Philistines (1 Sm 4:2). Then the Israelites brought forth the ark of the covenant and "lost thirty thousand foot soldiers"! (1 Sm 4:10) Prayer changes things - sometimes for the worse.

Sometimes things get worse after we pray because we are not obeying the Lord. "When one turns away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer is an abomination" (Prv 28:9). "Does the Lord so delight in holocausts and sacrifices as in obedience to the command of the Lord?" (1 Sm 15:22) Prayer without obedience is often an attempt to manipulate the Lord, and He will not let us use and abuse Him in this way. The writer of the book of James wrote: "You ask and you do not receive because you ask wrongly, with a view to squandering what you receive on your pleasures" (Jas 4:3). Jesus said: "None of those who cry out, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of God but only the one who does the will of My Father in heaven" (Mt 7:21).

The Lord commands us to pray always (Lk 18:1), but that will be pleasing to Him and beneficial to us only if we obey always. Obey and pray.

Prayer: Father, I repent of disobedience. I will go to Confession as soon as possible.

Promise: "The leprosy left him then and there, and he was cured." -Mk 1:42

Praise: Julie had attempted suicide many times. Jesus delivered her and set her free as she was reading Psalm 6.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


1 Samuel 1:9-20, 1 Samuel 2:1, 4-8, Mark 1:21-28
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"The Lord remembered her. She conceived, and at the end of her term bore a son whom she called Samuel, since she had asked the Lord for him." -1 Samuel 1:19-20

Hannah was crying bitterly because she could not conceive a child (1 Sm 1:10). Through her tears, she silently moved her lips in prayer (1 Sm 1:13). Rather than having her prayer answered or at least receiving peace, she was falsely accused by the priest Eli of being drunk in the Temple (1 Sm 1:14). Instead of taking offense, she explained herself to the priest and received his blessing (1 Sm 1:17). Then she miraculously conceived Samuel, who became one of the greatest prophets (1 Sm 3:20), turning the whole Israelite population to the Lord (1 Sm 7:2).
To receive a miraculous blessing that will lead the world to Jesus, we may have to:
   * fight off depression,
   * pray in pain, and
   * forgive our detractors.

The greatest blessings are often surrounded by the greatest obstacles. However, the One in us is greater than the one in the world (1 Jn 4:4). By faith, we can receive God's grace (Eph 2:8). By faith, expressing itself through love (Gal 5:6), repentance, forgiveness, prayer, and action, we will be fruitful and have victory in Jesus. Receive a miraculous blessing for the salvation of the world!

Prayer: Father, do in me what You must in order to do through me what You will.

Promise: "What does this mean? A completely new teaching in a spirit of authority! He gives orders to unclean spirits and they obey!" -Mk 1:27

Praise: George was expected to die after suffering a massive heart attack. Three Christians prayed for him, and he was out of bed and miraculously healed within an hour.

Monday, January 13, 2014


St. Hilary

1 Samuel 1:1-8, Psalm 116:12-19, Mark 1:14-20
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"But Hannah was childless." -1 Samuel 1:2

As we begin this new year, we want to lead as many people as possible to Jesus (1 Cor 9:19). If we love both the Lord and people, we will give others the greatest gift of all - life in Christ Jesus.

However, we find that many Christians have not led or even tried to lead others to Jesus. They are spiritually barren. Many people ignore this situation, but this is foolhardy, considering that the Lord has commanded us and will hold us accountable to be fruitful and multiply (Gn 1:28) and to make disciples of all nations (Mt 28:19). On the other hand, a few people blame barren Christians for not trying to share their faith in Jesus (see 1 Sm 1:6-7). This attitude of blaming and shaming is counter-productive.

Possibly we can learn from Elkanah, the husband of the physically barren Hannah. When Elkanah offered sacrifice, he gave "a double portion to Hannah because he loved her" (1 Sm 1:5). Those who are spiritually unfruitful need a double portion of God's Word, prayer, and Christian community. They need to be loved into accepting and then giving God's love. "We, for our part, love because He first loved us" (1 Jn 4:19). The love of Christ will impel us (2 Cor 5:14) to share the love of Jesus with all whom we meet. Love makes us spiritually fruitful.

Prayer: Father, I will speak out of the abundance of love in my heart (Lk 6:45).

Promise: "This is the time of fulfillment. The reign of God is at hand! Reform your lives and believe in the gospel!" -Mk 1:15

Praise: St. Hilary was praised by Sts. Augustine and Jerome as "a fair cedar transplanted out of this world into the Church."

Sunday, January 12, 2014


Baptism of Jesus

Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7, Acts 10:34-38, Psalm 29:1-4, 9-10, Matthew 3:13-17
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"Give in for now. We must do this if we would fulfill all of God's demands." -Matthew 3:15

The first words of Jesus in the New Testament are: "Give in" (Mt 3:15). Usually, when we hear this command, we are being stubborn, selfish, and rebellious. However, when Jesus told John the Baptizer to give in, it was in a different context. Jesus told John to give in and baptize Him, that is, to do something John was not worthy of doing. In a similar context, Jesus commands us to give in. For example, before we receive Holy Communion, we say: "Lord, I am not worthy to receive You" (see Mt 8:8). Then we give in and receive Communion despite our unworthiness.

Jesus calls us to follow Him in bringing justice to the nations (Is 42:1), opening the eyes of the blind, bringing out prisoners from confinement (Is 42:7), and healing all who are in the grip of the devil (Acts 10:38). We feel inadequate and unworthy to accomplish these great plans the Lord has for us, but the Lord tells us to "give in." We may not feel like much, but the Lord commands us to give in and believe we are children of God, loved and favored by Him, and empowered by the Holy Spirit (see Mt 3:16-17). On this last day of the Christmas season, give in and renew the face of the earth (Ps 104:30).

Prayer: Father, I believe deeply that You are my Father and that You love me. May this faith change every detail of my life.

Promise: "Here is My Servant Whom I uphold, My chosen One with Whom I am pleased, upon Whom I have put My Spirit." -Is 42:1

Praise: Alleluia! Thank You, Holy Spirit, for Christmas! Alleluia!

Saturday, January 11, 2014


1 John 5:14-21, Psalm 149:1-6, 9, John 3:22-30
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"The Son of God has come and has given us discernment to recognize the One Who is true. And we are in the One Who is true, for we are in His Son Jesus Christ." -1 John 5:20

We must thirst for and strongly desire to receive the Holy Spirit to have living waters flow from within (Jn 7:37-38). Two baptisms prepare us for the baptism in the Spirit: first, the baptism of repentance, then the Baptism of new life in Jesus. These baptisms should make us more strongly desire the Holy Spirit.

However, the devil tries to ruin this process by causing confusion about the first two baptisms. For example, the scribes and Pharisees refused to accept the baptism of John, and Herod arrested and murdered John (Mk 6:28). There was also conflict surrounding the baptism which Jesus' apostles practiced. "A controversy about purification arose between John's disciples and a certain Jew. So they came to John, saying, 'Rabbi, the Man Who was with you across the Jordan - the One about Whom you have been testifying - is baptizing now, and everyone is flocking to Him' " (Jn 3:25-26). These conflicts leave a bad taste in our mouths and can turn us off to the next baptism, the baptism in the Spirit. What's the devil trying to do now to prevent you from receiving a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit tomorrow on the feast of the Baptism of Jesus? Don't let the confusion influence you. Thirst all the more for the Holy Spirit.

Prayer: Jesus, there's always been controversy before, during, and after the outpouring of the Spirit. May I fix my eyes on You and be immersed in and filled with the Spirit.

Promise: "Anyone who sees his brother sinning, if the sin is not deadly, should petition God, and thus life will be given to the sinner." -1 Jn 5:16

Praise: Lorene prayed and quit smoking completely. She had smoked four packs a day.

Friday, January 10, 2014


1 John 5:5-13, Psalm 147:12-15, 19-20, Luke 5:12-16
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"On one occasion in a certain town, a man full of leprosy came to" Jesus. -Luke 5:12

We ask everyone if they had a good holiday and Christmas season, and they all say "Fine." Yet behind those sad smiles and between the lines of our "small talk," we sense a deep hurt, severe depression, unrepentant sin, and devastating bondage. Marriages are destroyed; bitterness and resentment poison family life; hearts are broken by rejection. Some mourn over the death and loss of loved ones. Some have lost contact with God because of sin and self. Many have had a terrible Christmas.
  You don't have to smile faintly and tell Jesus about your "nice" Christmas. He sees your sin and pain and "leprosy." Bow "down to the ground" before the Christ-Child and say to Him: "Lord, if You will to do so, You can cure me" (Lk 5:12). Jesus will stretch out His hand, touch you, and say: "I do will it. Be cured" (Lk 5:13). Jesus wills Christmas for us. He wills life, repentance, and healing. He wills salvation for us. Remember the laborers in the vineyard who got the full day's pay even though hired at the last minute (Mt 20:9). Jesus wants to give you the fullness of Christmas, no matter what has happened and how late it is. "I have written this to you to make you realize that you possess eternal life - you who believe in the name of the Son of God" (1 Jn 5:13).

Prayer: Father, not by my might, not by my power, but by Your Spirit, I will have Christmas (Zec 4:6).

Promise: "Who, then, is conqueror of the world? The one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God." -1 Jn 5:5

Praise: Michele ruined Christmas by committing fornication. She repented and went to Confession. Jesus gave her the best finish to the Christmas season ever.

Thursday, January 9, 2014


1 John 4:19-5:4, Psalm 72:1-2, 14-15, 17, Luke 4:14-22
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"Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing." -Luke 4:21

Jesus prophesied: "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me; therefore He has anointed Me. He has sent Me to bring glad tidings to the poor, to proclaim liberty to captives, recovery of sight to the blind and release to prisoners, to announce a year of favor from the Lord" (Lk 4:18-19). This "year of favor" is the Jubilee Year, which occurred every fifty years (see Lv 25:10ff) and Jesus promised the good news of great freedom each year.
As the Holy Spirit came upon Jesus and anointed Him to set the captives free, so we need the Holy Spirit to be stirred into flame in our lives (2 Tm 1:6-7). Sunday, we celebrate the Baptism of Jesus, the last day of the Christmas season. As the Spirit descended upon Jesus at His Baptism in the river Jordan, so the Spirit will come to us in new and deeper ways. End this Christmas season by receiving the power of the Spirit to give jubilee-freedom to an enslaved and enslaving world. Come, Holy Spirit! Come, true Christmas Spirit!

Prayer: Father, may I have more than Christmas parties. May I celebrate jubilee years and a jubilee life forever with You.

Promise: "We, for our part, love because He first loved us." -1 Jn 4:19

Praise: Jesus set Charles free from addiction to crack cocaine.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


1 John 4:11-18, Psalm 72:1-2, 10, 12-13, Mark 6:45-52
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"We have seen for ourselves, and can testify, that the Father has sent the Son as Savior of the world." -1 John 4:14

It is very important for us as human beings to see people if we are to love them. We find it hard to love the invisible because we usually receive and give love through our senses. That is why God became a human being - so that we could see Him and love Him.

Therefore, when Jesus ascended bodily into heaven, this presented a problem for us. We no longer had a see-able and more lovable God. Accordingly, Jesus and the Father sent the Holy Spirit to extend the Incarnation by creating the body of Christ, the Church. Now through the Church and especially in the Eucharist, we can do much more than see God. We can even receive into our bodies the body and blood of God.

We accept this special, miraculous relationship with God by believing in Him and loving Him. "No one has ever seen God. Yet if we love one another God dwells in us, and His love is brought to perfection in us" (1 Jn 4:12). "God is Love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him" (1 Jn 4:16). We can be in the invisible God and He in us if we are in love with Him, especially in the Eucharist. "Although you have never seen Him, you love Him, and without seeing you now believe in Him, and rejoice with inexpressible joy touched with glory because you are achieving faith's goal, your salvation" (1 Pt 1:8-9).

Prayer: Father, no one has ever seen You (Jn 1:18), but I love You with all my heart because I have seen Your Image, Jesus (Col 1:15).

Promise: "It is I. Do not be afraid!" -Mk 6:50

Praise: Once a drug dealer and abuser, by God's grace George became a preacher of His Word.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


St. Raymond of Penafort

1 John 4:7-10, Psalm 72:1-4, 7-8, Mark 6:34-44
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"Then, taking the five loaves and the two fish, Jesus raised His eyes to heaven, pronounced a blessing, broke the loaves, and gave them to the disciples to distribute." -Mark 6:41

Jesus took a little boy's lunch (Jn 6:9) and multiplied it into several thousand dollars worth of food (Mk 6:37).
Did Jesus really do this? Yes. The Scriptures are clear that Jesus worked a miracle of multiplication. This is the most frequently recorded miracle, found six times in the four gospels. Jesus did not rustle up some food from somewhere or merely get people to share. The Bible is clear. Jesus did a physical miracle.
Does Jesus still do this? Yes. There are many reliable accounts of miraculous multiplications throughout the history of the Church and even before the Church existed (see 2 Kgs 4:42ff). Jesus is the same now as He was then (see Heb 13:8).
How do we receive a multiplication-miracle? First, we must need it. The Lord has already given many of us so much food that we don't need it multiplied but rather to be distributed. However, we may need other things multiplied, like time and energy. Second, to receive a multiplication-miracle, we must express our faith in Jesus by giving all to Him. Third, we need faith to receive the miracle of multiplication. The Lord helps us grow in faith (see Rm 10:17) by teaching us at great length (Mk 6:34).
Will Jesus do a multiplication-miracle this Christmas season? It is quite likely. Christmas is named after Christ and Mass. At Mass, Christ not only multiplies food but also transforms it into His body and blood. Expect a miracle this Christmas time.

Prayer: Father, give me faith to move mountains (Mt 17:20) and to do miracles in Jesus' name.

Promise: "Love, then, consists in this: not that we have loved God but that He has loved us and has sent His Son as an Offering for our sins." -1 Jn 4:10

Praise: St. Raymond encouraged: "As you drink the cup of the Lord Jesus (how glorious it is!), give thanks to the Lord, the Giver of all blessings."

Monday, January 6, 2014


St. Andrea; Bessette

1 John 3:22-4:6, Psalm 2:7-8, 10-12, Matthew 4:12-17, 23-25

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"Many false prophets have appeared in the world." -1 John 4:1

"You have conquered the false prophets. For there is One greater in you than there is in the world." -1 John 4:4

We are being bombarded with lies. We lie to ourselves to justify our enslaving compromises with the world and the flesh. Others lie to us to make themselves feel better or to take advantage of us. The devil, the father of lies, "has never based himself on truth; the truth is not in him. Lying speech is his native tongue" (Jn 8:44). Lies, lies, and more lies!

We cut through all these lies by committing our lives completely to Jesus, the Truth (Jn 14:6). He will then baptize us in the Holy Spirit (Mk 1:8), the Spirit of Truth (e.g. Jn 14:17), Who will guide us to all truth (Jn 16:13).

The Spirit of truth will dispel the fog and smoke of deceit by bearing witness to Jesus (Jn 15:26) and by acknowledging Jesus as having come in the flesh (1 Jn 4:2). Also, the Holy Spirit will cry out in our hearts: "Abba" (Gal 4:6). The Holy Spirit will lead us into the love of the Trinity. "Thus do we distinguish the Spirit of truth from the spirit of deception" (1 Jn 4:6).

Come, Holy Spirit! Come, Spirit of truth! Come, true Christmas Spirit!

Prayer: Father, make this the best Christmas season ever.

Promise: "They carried to Him all those afflicted with various diseases and racked with pain: the possessed, the lunatics, the paralyzed. He cured them all." -Mt 4:24

Praise: St. André was a humble Holy Cross brother in Montreal through whom God healed many. Although barely literate, His ministry touched 80,000 letter-writers per year.



Isaiah 60:1-6, Ephesians 3:2-3, 5-6, Psalm 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-13, Matthew 2:1-12
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"Nations shall walk by your light, and kings by your shining radiance." -Isaiah 60:3

Wise men and women, like the wise men of the first Christmas, prostrate themselves before Jesus, do Him homage, and give themselves to Him (Mt 2:11). This total abandonment is not a one-time experience, but a way of life - forever.

Wise men and women are great-souled individuals who begrudge nothing to God. They're not looking for the quickest Mass to fulfill their Sunday obligation. Rather, they consider it a privilege to worship the Lord as long as possible. Wise men and women don't ask if they have to go to Confession annually, but they rejoice in celebrating frequently the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Wise men and women consider it a privilege to share their faith in Jesus, especially in situations where they may be persecuted (see Acts 5:41; 13:52). Wisdom is not doing the minimum but always searching for new opportunities to abandon ourselves to the love and will of God. Wise men and women transcend their natural inclinations to selfishness, laziness, and fear. They live supernaturally - by grace and by faith.

The Lord wants to make you a wise man or woman. Are you willing to become wise, to follow the star, to give all to Jesus?

Prayer: Father, on this Epiphany, give me the fear of the Lord, which is the beginning of wisdom (see Ps 111:10).

Promise: "See, darkness covers the earth, and thick clouds cover the peoples; but upon you the Lord shines, and over you appears His glory." -Is 60:2

Praise: Alleluia! Christ "was manifested in the flesh, vindicated in the Spirit; seen by the angels; preached among the Gentiles, believed in throughout the world, taken up into glory" (1 Tm 3:16).

Saturday, January 4, 2014


St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

1 John 3:7-10, Psalm 98:1, 7-9, John 1:35-42

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"[Andrew] brought [Peter] to Jesus, Who looked at [Peter] and said, 'You are Simon, son of John; your name shall be Cephas (which is rendered Peter)'." -John 1:42

As a thirteen-year-old preparing for Confirmation, I knew nothing of the lives of the saints. My mother mercifully suggested Francis for my Confirmation name. There were two such saints, St. Francis of Assisi and St. Francis de Sales, and I found myself more attracted to the latter saint. Decades later I learned that St. Francis de Sales published numerous religious booklets, is the patron saint of writers, and also of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. I praise the Lord, Who named me Francis in Confirmation and led me to the perfect patron for my life's ministry! The Lord didn't see me as a clueless youth, but rather He saw me as the person I would become in Jesus, and gave me a new name to fit the part.

Jesus changed Simon's name to Cephas, which means 'Rock' in Aramaic, the language spoken at the time in Galilee, or Petros in Greek, also translated 'Rock.' Jesus saw Simon not as he was at that moment, but as the man he would become, the leader and rock of the Church. Often religious orders will issue a new name to a new member. The Lord is always working through that name change. With the new name also comes His calling.

Praise and thank Jesus that He sees beyond our past and present failings, weaknesses, and sins. He sees us as a royal son or daughter of God. Jesus loves us for who we are, but issues us an upward calling (Phil 3:14) to be His fruitful disciple.

Today, bring to mind your Confirmation name. With that name, you are confirmed in the Holy Spirit. Live your new name and new calling in Christ. Be re-confirmed in the Spirit.

Prayer: Father, may I become the person You see when You look at me. May I live up to my new name.

Promise: "The man who acts in holiness is holy indeed." -1 Jn 3:7

Praise: St. Elizabeth helped many others to build the right foundation through solid Catholic education.

Friday, January 3, 2014


Holy Name of Jesus

1 John 2:29-3:6, Psalm 98:1, 3-6, John 1:29-34
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"Dearly beloved, we are God's children now." -1 John 3:2

God loved us so much that He wanted us in His family. However, our nature was not compatible with being in God's family. It would be like a human family adopting a beetle, cockroach, amoeba, orangutan, or giraffe. It just wouldn't work. Even if we pretended these creatures were part of our families, they don't have the capacity to join in family life. They could be nothing other than pets at best. In the same way, human beings don't naturally have the capacity to belong in God's family.
Consequently, God the Father sent His Son to become a human being and make it possible for our human natures to be changed so significantly that we can be adopted into God's family. "Any who did accept [Jesus] He empowered to become children of God. These are they who believe in His name - who were begotten not by blood, nor by carnal desire, nor by man's willing it, but by God" (Jn 1:12-13). "See what love the Father has bestowed on us in letting us be called children of God! Yet that is what we are" (1 Jn 3:1).
Jesus was born in Bethlehem so He could die on Calvary. By being baptized into His death, we share in His resurrection and become new creations (Gal 6:15) and adopted children of God. Christmas is for children - God's children.

Prayer: Father, thank You for making us adopt-able.

Promise: "When you see the Spirit descend and rest on Someone, it is He Who is to baptize with the Holy Spirit." -Jn 1:33

Praise: The Holy Name of Jesus means "God saves," which means we need saving. Praise You, Jesus our Savior. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess Your most adorable and holy name (Phil 2:9-11). Alleluia!

Thursday, January 2, 2014


St. Basil the Great, St. Gregory Nazianzen

1 John 2:22-28, Psalm 98:1-4, John 1:19-28
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"Remain in Him as that anointing taught you." -1 John 2:27

On the inside front cover of this booklet is the Rescript, the Catholic Church's Permission to Publish. Before One Bread, One Body is printed, the Church reviews this booklet to ensure it is free of doctrinal or moral error. When the booklet is error-free, "free from any lie" (1 Jn 2:27), the Church grants Permission to Publish. (Until recently, Permission to Publish was called the Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur.) At Presentation Ministries, remaining safely under Church authority is how we remain in Jesus as the anointing of the Holy Spirit taught us (1 Jn 2:27).

St. John says that if the anointing you received from Jesus remains in you, then "you have no need for anyone to teach you" (1 Jn 2:27). Then why read this booklet?

   * We are imperfect vessels and we leak (see Jer 2:13). We need to be constantly re-filled with the Holy Spirit.

   * We must devote ourselves to the teaching of the Church and study the Scriptures daily (Acts 2:42; 17:11), both of which help us grow (Acts 20:32).

   * Faith comes through hearing the Word of God (Rm 10:17). If we don't increase in faith, how can we be sure we will remain in Him? This booklet proclaims God's Word to increase our faith.

   * Like the early Church, we must be devoted to spreading God's Word (Acts 6:7) and feeding His sheep (Jn 21:17).

"Ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ" (Catechism, 133). If we're ignorant of Him, we cannot "remain in Him" (1 Jn 2:28). Read God's Word daily, and remain in Jesus.

Prayer: Jesus, keep me faithful to Your teaching and never let me be parted from You.

Promise: His "promise is no less than this: eternal life." -1 Jn 2:25

Praise: By the power of the Holy Spirit, St. Basil protected his diocese from heresy.