Acts 14:19-28
Psalm 145:10-11, 12-13, 21
John 14:27-31
Peace I leave with you… - John 14:27
The pilot of a plane was flawlessly scraping the blue sky with his fluid maneuvers and near perfect turns, when suddenly, he heard a weird noise coming from where the engine and its vital wires were. The gauges one by one started malfunctioning and he immediately engaged the autopilot to take a peek at what could be going wrong. His head doubled its size when he saw a rat gnawing on the wires and it was actually nearing hydraulic tubes. He knew it would be the end of his flying days, and of his life, if the rodent got to the hydraulic tube.
He had an idea.
He pulled the plane up to maximum altitude. The big rodent then dropped dead.
Because rodents can’t survive extremely high altitudes
The peace of God to what used to be troubled hearts is something that the world can never know. We can, if we allow Him to take us “up” there. Jon E.
Reflection: Are you troubled? Scared? Overwhelmed by life? Buckle up. Soar in the wings of prayer. God can blow out the rodents of worry, fear and guilt in your heart.
Lord, all the world offers are temporary and fleeting rat pleasures that its decaying nature recognizes. Bring me up to the “peace that surpasses all understanding.” Amen!
St. Wiro, bishop, para for us.
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