I am your brother… - Genesis 45:4
Remember how we went gaga over penpal writing and autograph books during our high school days in the ’60s? (Ooops, I forgot. Didache isn’t just for people who grew up in the 60’s. It’s also for those who grew up in the 50’s. Kidding.)
One of the questions that was always in the autograph book was, “What is love?”
Some of our answer were:
“Love is blind and lovers cannot see.”
“Love is a many splendored thing.”
“Love is never having to say you’re sorry.”
Oh, those were the days, my friend, we thought would never end. Yes, we defined love in 101 ways or as many as the movie fan magazines or 45 rpm records that we bought then.
Today, if we were asked to sign an autograph book and define what love is, chances are our answer would be quite different. But the bottomline of true love is: it is unconditional. Yes, one that does not set conditions, one that does not expect anything in return.
Now ask yourself: Am I in love? Can this be love? Henry Y.
Reflection: How many times have I sacrificed myself in favor of a loved one?
Lord, help me to do things without expectation and to love without conditions.
St. John Gaulbert, abbot, pray for us.
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