Monday, May 28, 2007


Sirach 17:19-27
Psalm 32:1-2, 5, 6, 7
Mark 10:17-27

“All things are possible with God.” - Mark 10:27

One of the most challenging terms in my college years was when I had to take our thesis proposal subject for the second time. My groupmates and I had failed it the past term - miserably at that.

I was filled with insecurities, guilt and fear. Insecure because I felt like I wasn’t good enough to do what we were doing, guilt because I felt like I was one who slowed down our group, and fear that we would not make it again.

The week before our defense, I went to Mass regularly because that was the only time I felt solitude. Every day during that week, the priest’s homily was always about having faith, on believing in God’s powers that nothing is impossible for Him. My friends in the community also said the same thins: That I should believe that He will bring us through the defense.

Even if it was really hard for me, I asked God to strengthen my faith… and what do you know? We did not only pass our defense, but we got the highest possible score! Truly, nothing is impossible with God! Tina M.

Reflection: What impossible thing do you require God to make possible?

When I believe in Your power and not my own, things happen. Thank You, Lord.

Blessed Robert Johnson, martyr, pray for us.

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