Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Romans 13:8-10, Psalm 112:1-2, 4-5, 9, Luke 14:25-33
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"Owe no debt." -Romans 13:8

Jesus, the Lord of our lives and therefore of our money and possessions, commands us:
   * "Owe no debt to anyone except the debt that binds us to love one another" (Rm 13:8).
   * "None of you can be My disciple if he does not renounce all his possessions" (Lk 14:33).
   * "Lend without expecting repayment" (Lk 6:35).
   * "Do not lay up for yourselves an earthly treasure" (Mt 6:19).
   * "I warn you, then: do not worry about your livelihood, what you are to eat or drink or use for clothing" (Mt 6:25).

Jesus' ways, including His financial ways, are very different from our ways (Is 55:8-9). His financial wisdom seems absurd. It is the absurdity of the cross (1 Cor 1:18ff). The whole world may say that Jesus is wrong about living a simple life, not saving for the future, renouncing our possessions, not owing debts, and lending without charging interest or even expecting repayment. Nevertheless, Jesus is right; He is the Truth (Jn 14:6); He is Lord and God. Therefore, we must radically change our ways, refuse to conform ourselves to this world (Rm 12:2), and be obedient to the Lord. For Jesus to be our Lord, we must accept Him as the Lord of our finances. Repent and trust Him.

Prayer: Father, may I walk by faith and not by the financial policies to which I have been accustomed (see 2 Cor 5:7).

Promise: "Anyone who does not take up his cross and follow Me cannot be My disciple." -Lk 14:27

Praise: By Jesus' power, Keith gave up smoking a second time. This time it was permanent.

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