Sirach 44:1, 9-13
Psalm 149:1-6, 9
Mark 11:11-26
“But you have made it a den of robbers.” - Mark 11:17
Unless you understand the background of why Jesus cleansed the Temple, you’ll never know its real meaning.
When Jesus cleansed the temple, was He telling us not sell candles, stampitas, and snacks outside churches? No, poor people need to sell there - to survive and feed their kids. Jesus cleansed the temple for a very different reason.
Here it is: The priests during that time had rules on what kind of animals you could sacrifice. It should be a certain size. A certain color. A certain look. If you came carrying your own animal, almost 100% of the time, it’d be rejected by the priests for this or that weakness. “It’s too short” or “It’s too thin.” or “It’s too dark..” So you’ll be forced to buy from the Temple store - owned by the priests themselves! And they were selling at 10 times the usual cost! It was really, really ugly.
Jesus drove them out because they were abusing the people. Not only with their greed, but with their terrible theology. They were preaching” You’re not acceptable to God. You’re too short, too thin, too dark, too weak…
When Jesus cleansed the temple, He was telling you, “I love you as you are - your weaknesses included.”
Wow. Isn’t Jesus wonderful? Bo S.
Reflection: Do you really believe that God accepts you, loves you, forgives you - weaknesses and all? Unless you do, you will never change.
Lord, drive out the thieves in my life who rob from me Your love!
St. Justin, martyr, pray for us.
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