Monday, December 16, 2013


December 16, 2013

Numbers 24:2-7, 15-17, Psalm 25:4-9, Matthew 21:23-27

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"Jesus answered: 'I too will ask a question. If you answer it for Me, then I will tell you on what authority I do the things I do. What was the origin of John's baptism?' " -Matthew 21:24-25

The religious leaders of Jesus' time refused to accept John the Baptizer's invitation to repent. About three years later, Jesus challenged them. He would not answer their question until they answered His question about John's baptism.

Perhaps three (or thirty-three) Christmases ago, we may have refused the invitation to repent. We thought Jesus would eventually go on to another subject, but He didn't. We can try to change the subject, but it won't do any good. Jesus insists we repent. He does not want us to live in sin and go to hell. He does not want His blood shed in vain.

Repent. Go to Confession. If we don't do it now, Jesus will bring it up again and again, even on our deathbeds. If we answer His question on repentance, then Jesus will answer our questions. We'll experience His authority and power (Mt 21:23). We'll enter a new dimension of faith and life. If we only knew what we were missing by not repenting...

Prayer: Jesus, may I make one of the best confessions of my life in the next few days.

Promise: "A star shall advance from Jacob, and a staff shall rise from Israel." -Nm 24:17

Praise: Anna's doctor said she couldn't have children. She prayed through each pregnancy and has three healthy children.

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