The Gospel of Luke has a number of titles associated with it. One of the many titles is the Gospel of the Poor. Luke has a preferential option for the poor. Today, Jesus observes the widow, who represents the poor of Israel.
The setting is that of the women’s court in the temple. Within the temple, there are trumpet-like receptacles for people to drop their donations. Jesus watches as the people enter the temple and the sight of a widow catches His attention. The widow pays her respects to the Presence of God in the Temple. Jesus notices that many of the rich make their offerings. However, this widow gives her all — every penny she had to live on!
The coins that the widow puts in are perhaps equivalent to five centavos in the Philippines — the smallest currency used nowadays. The copper coins of the widow were the smallest in circulation at the time of Jesus. Most striking, according to Jesus, is the fact that the widow puts in two coins. She could have kept one coin for herself. Instead, the whole of her livelihood is spent for the Lord. The others contributed out of their surplus. They had other resources that they could rely upon — but not the poor widow. Her act surely touched the heart of Jesus.
Often we act like the rich. We are willing to give our all to God, but keep the little that we have — just in case. Do we really trust in the Lord? He will surely provide. This was the faith of the widow. She trusted in her God that He would provide. Who knows how she lived that day? Perhaps some good and kind person had pity upon her.
Today, the Church celebrates the Presentation of Mary in the temple. Tradition tells us that Mary, at a young age, presented herself to the Lord. This prophetic act would find its fulfillment in her submission to God — on becoming the mother of Jesus.
Let us imitate Mary’s faith and that of the widow in the Gospel. Both women placed their lives in the hands of God’s providential care. Fr. Brian Steele, MGL
Reflection Question:
What return will I make for the Lord?
Lord, You have given all to me. Now I return it to You. Amen.
St. Digain, pray for us.
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