One can imagine the joy the blind beggar experienced at having his sight
restored. Many people would have passed this beggar, as we often do so
in our own city streets. Blind beggars are a common sight to us as they
were in the days of Jesus. Sometimes we might feel obliged, or out of
pity, to give a few coins or some food.
For the blind man of Jericho,
today was a fresh beginning for the rest of his life.
In a beautiful way, Luke tells us that Jesus stopped and asked that the
man be brought to Him. The first thing that Jesus does is ask him a
question, “What do you want me to do for you?” The reply is obvious,
“Lord, I want to see.” The blind beggar had enough of this lifestyle.
Imagine the shame and embarrassment of having to beg at the side of the
road. His life must have been one of constant rejection. He was an
outcast thrown on the edges of society. He must have heard of Jesus, the
miracle worker, the teacher, the Rabbi. He makes his own mind. For him,
Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of David. Like the widow in the Gospel, we
see the persistence of the beggar. He would not allow the voices to
drown his calling out to the Lord. His cry for mercy reached the ears of
Jesus. The faith of the man touches the heart of Jesus. By his faith,
the man receives his sight. His immediate response when receiving his
sight is to follow Jesus. He becomes a disciple of the Son of David.
We, too, must cry out to the Lord for His mercy. We are beggars on the
outside, seeking a place within the heart of Jesus. As we cry out, many
will silence us. This must not be a cause for disappointment but, with
renewed vigor and faith, we should continue to cry out to the Lord.
We, too, are blind through our sins. We need the Lord to restore our
sight so that we see Him again. Perhaps we have lost sight of the Lord.
We have become blind to His presence in our lives. The blind beggar was
never the same. He met Jesus on the road and Jesus met the deepest need
within his heart. The blind man could see again and, with renewed sight,
he followed the Lord. Fr. Brian Steele, MGL
Reflection Question:
Is there anything that blinds you from the presence of the Lord in your life?
Lord, I want to see. Amen.
St. Modanic, pray for us.
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