2 Corinthians 3:4-11
Psalm 99:5-9
Matthew 5:17-19
“You are our letter, written in our hearts… written not in ink but by the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets that are hearts of flesh.” - 2 Corinthians 3:2-3
When applying for a new job, some companies require applicants to secure character references from previous employers, former teachers or other persons in authority. This way, prospective employers will be given an insight into the applicant’s integrity, work ethics and overall performance.
So I began to wonder: What if God requires us to present to St. Peter a recommendation letter that will be the basis of whether or not we can enter the pearly gates of heaven? If so, who then would write a recommendation letter for me?
In today’s first reading, Paul claims that the Corinthians whom they’ve been evangelizing are his “recommendation letter.” Like him, the divine recommendation we seek comes from the countless people whom Jesus has given us to love and serve. These people whom we may have helped, inspired or touched in big or small ways will testify on our behalf by the very lives they also live for the Lord.
There is, more importantly, Jesus who lovingly placed upon us His seal of approval. Striving to grow in His image and likeness is our best character reference of all. Dina P.
Reflection: Do we strive to secure the best character reference by striving to become more like Jesus?
Lord, mold and recreate me that I may grow more in the likeness of Your Son.
St. Anthony of Padua and Lisbon, confessor, pray for us.
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