2 Corinthians 9:6-11
Psalm 112:1-4, 9
Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18
He scatters abroad, he gives to the poor, his righteousness endures forever. - 2 Corinthians 9:9
There are two kinds of givers. One who gives when asked, and the other one who goes out of his way and finds ways to help. I am so blessed to have met the second type of giver.
One day, an officemate handed me a bulky envelope with a note saying: “This is a gift from God. You never asked for it. God simply finds a way to show His people, His love and generosity. I just happen to be the instrument in letting you know He is holding you in His arms right now. “I couldn’t help but cry when I opened the envelope. It contained P50,000 in cold cash! It was more than the amount I needed to save me from financial distress.
Gifts given from a pure heart are a real blessing. They let another person know that you care, and they pave the way for a deeper relationship. It also gives us an opportunity to inspire people to pass on the good deed to others in need. Indeed, true joy comes to us not from what we own but from what we are able to give to others.
I kept my officemate’s note in my purse as a memoir of God’s generosity and love, and as my constant reminder to also share with others what I have. Jane G.
Reflection: Do we give only when it’s convenient?
Make ma a giver, Lord, not just of material wealth, but of all the things that make life worth living.
St. Silverius, pope martyr, pray for us.
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