2 Corinthians 11:18, 21-30
Psalm 34:2-7
Matthew 6:19-23

treasures… - Matthew 6:21

Something from an audio book by Jim Roth made an impact on me. He said, “Ask the right questions - and you improve the quality of your life!” In today’s Gospel (Matthew 6:21), I ask, “What are these treasures in heaven? Are they heavenly points? Good graces with ‘Big Brother?’ Knowledge of the Bible?” I’m sure that it’s intangible.

Or is it?

Looking back, I realized that my early involvement in my Christian community enabled me to know what these treasures are.

They’re the people whom I’ve touched and somehow brought closer to God. It was the reason why I studied every week - even when there was no exam approaching - so I could participate in all the choir practices, prayer meetings core group meetings plus all the gimmicks. It was to give time to anybody in need of a listening ear. Jomar H.

Reflection: How about you, what takes up most of your time? What is your treasure?

Teach me to plant my roots in things that matter and are significant, Lord.

St. Paulinus of Noia and St. Thomas More, bishop confessor and martyr, pray for us.