Tuesday, June 5, 2007

To Give In Return

Tobit 2:9-14
Psalm 112:1-2, 7-9
Mark 12:13-17

“Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.” - Mark 12:17

I’ve had my own clinic for almost eight years now. I just had it renovated and was somewhat sentimental one day, looking at its newly painted walls, the shiny cabinet finishes, and purple and green accents.

“Thank You, Lord. You have given me so much more than I could ever ask for…” I whispered.

Indeed, if my office walls could speak, they would only tell of Divine Providence.

That is why I try to return what I can, first, by paying my taxes. A thriving practice is not common. Many doctors are taking up nursing nowadays, but my clinic has survived.

Second, I say my thanks by giving tithes - My ten percent or more.

I know the Lord cannot be outdone in generosity. His lavishness goes way beyond what I could ever give. Time and again, this has been proven. I give so little yet receive so much.

These are my small ways of giving. But I know if I am faithful and sincere, God knows my heart and honors my offering.

I’m sure you have your own story to tell about how giving to the Lord has blessed your life. Go back for it. Remember His faithfulness.

And don’t stop there. Let those memories inspire you to give in return. Lallaine G.

Reflection: Am I giving the Lord what He deserves?

Lord, convict me in generosity. Thank You that Your own generosity abounds in my life. Grant me the grace to truly give.

St. Boniface, bishop, martyr, pray for us.

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