Friday, May 11, 2007


Acts 15:22-31
Psalm 57:8-9, 10, 12
John 15:12-17
“It is the decision of the Holy Spirit and of us not to place on you any burden beyond these necessities.” - Acts 15:28
A friend’s son was put in charge of monitoring tardiness for Monday morning flag ceremonies at school. He was happy to the work but one day, a friend of his came two minutes late for the proceedings and asked if he could be excused just this once. “You see,” the guy explained, “my father died in the middle of the night and my mother was only able to return to us at 6 a.m. That’s why I am a little late.”
My friend’s son was in a quandary. Should he excuse his friend? He was in violation of the rules. After a week’s agony, he decided to excuse his friend. And he was at peace.
Rules are good. They give us guidance. They are made to help us lead less chaotic lives. However, a rigid and unbending attitude towards these rules may add burdens on others. Instead of the rules working for the good, they could become limiting, constricting, and a tool for fault-finding.
Do you find yourself prone to rigidity? Seek guidance from the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Love. You may find Love teaching you to have more Mercy. Victoria L.
Reflection: Do you find it difficult to discern when to be or not to be flexible? Talk to someone about it.
May Love be the only unbreakable rule in my life.
St. Mamertus of Vienne, archbishop, pray for us.

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